Refilling Your Creative Well: 5 Visual Pieces That Never Fail to Inspire Me

Today's blog post is a bit different from my regular photography techniques. I want to talk about something that's equally important for creatives: how to refill your creative well. We all experience creative blocks, especially in today's world where we feel the pressure to constantly produce new ideas and content. It's like we're draining bucket after bucket from our creative well, and sometimes, we need to take a break and refill it. One of my favorite ways to recharge my creativity is by immersing myself in the beautiful imaginings of other great artists. So, I thought I'd share with you 5 of my favorite visual art pieces that I often escape into when I need to take a little time to recharge and be inspired.

Wes Anderson's "The Grand Budapest Hotel"

Who doesn't love Wes Anderson? His unique style is infectious, and "The Grand Budapest Hotel" is my favorite Anderson film. The quirky characters, stunning visuals, and intricate storytelling always leave me feeling inspired. Plus, in the style of Wes Anderson, everything looks so pretty!

Watch the trailer here

Coldplay's "Daddy" music video by Aardman

I stumbled across this music video a while back and was blown away by the creativity and artistry that went into its creation. Aardman, the same production company that brought us "Wallace and Gromit", created a breathtakingly beautiful piece of art that left me in awe. The stop-motion animation, the use of color, and the music all come together to make this video a masterpiece.

Watch it here

Song of the Sea" (2014) animated movie

This Irish film tells the story of a young boy who discovers that his mute sister is a selkie, a magical creature from Irish folklore. The stunning visuals, charming characters, and emotional storyline make this movie an absolute must-watch. Whenever I need to unwind and recharge, I curl up with a cup of tea and lose myself in this beautiful film.

Check it out here

"GRIS" video game

While I'm not a huge gamer, I do find that playing a video game can be a great way to quiet my mind and reset. And if I'm going to play a game, it has to be beautiful. So on my quest for the most beautiful games ever created, I discovered GRIS. This magical and abstract world is utterly captivating, and the game's relaxing music and visuals make it the perfect escape from reality. I play this game about once a year because I just love the journey so much.

Check it out here

"Paddington 2" movie

This film is a heartwarming tale about kindness, positivity, and love, all wrapped up in a beautiful package. I'll admit, I was skeptical about watching it at first, but I'm so glad I did. The gorgeous cinematography, charming characters, and uplifting story left me feeling inspired and ready to spread positivity in my own life.

Watch the trailer here

Of course, there are countless other works of art that inspire me every day. These five are just the tip of the iceberg, so if you haven't seen them yet, go treat yourself! It was actually really hard to pick my favorites for this blog post, so I might just have to write a follow-up to this blog. But for now, I hope this gives you a nice little watch list of visual treats to explore.